Honour Your Clients & Yourself


Disclaimer: Work Wife Wine Time supports the responsible consumption of alcohol. 

Serving clients in an online environment (in this new COVID-altered world) provides certain challenges for body work therapists and practitioners.

In this episode Mikala chats with Dana Dobrota, a body psychotherapist, about how therapists and practitioners can explore the online world and provide a valuable lighter-touch support service for clients while still ticking all the clinical and duty of care boxes.

We also talk about the importance of taking care of ourselves while still serving our clients and businesses.

I think we all understand that our energy comes in waves – but many of us are missing vital parts of the recovery phase and the ability to honour the process and awareness in our body as we come down from the peak of the wave.

In this episode we cover so much and Dana shares with us much wisdom including the idea that slow, intentional progress is a beautiful thing – because we are human beings, not human doings. And that we can still juggle all the balls, but just have to ensure that we don’t drop the glass ones.

Learn more about Dana on her website www.coreexploreonline.com or on socials…